Palmetto High School


Palmetto High School
Palmetto High School
Palmetto High School
Palmetto High School
Palmetto High School
Palmetto High School

Palmetto High School

In 1990:

Operation Desert Shield begins in the Persian Gulf, as the United States sends troops to Saudi Arabia after Iraq annexes Kuwait. Yellow ribbons become an American symbol of troop support.

East and West Germany are united as one country for the first time since World War II.

The Cold War further thaws during a Conference of Security and Cooperation in Europe; NATO and Warsaw Pact forces are reduced.

Click here for 1990 Grammy Winners.

The Communist party relinquishes its monopoly on power in Yugoslavia, and ethnic tensions increase.Soviet leaders agree to a multiparty government, ending decades of Communist monopoly. However, the Soviet Parliament, surrounded by a failing economy, votes Mikhail Gorbachev near dictatorial powers.

Sammy Davis, Jr. dies at age 65.

Approximately 70% of Americans live in cities.

The movie Dances With Wolves, directed by and starring Kevin Costner, wins Best Picture at the Oscars. Ghost, with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore, and Hamlet, featuring Mel Gibson and Glenn Close, are other Hollywood releases.

Nelson Mandela is released from a South African prison after serving 27 years for his opposition to apartheid.

Space shuttle Discovery is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying the Hubble Space Telescope.

Syrian troops enter Beirut to intervene in Lebanon's civil war.

Japan's Akihito formally assumes the Chrysanthemum Throne.

Former priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide becomes Haiti's first democratically elected president.


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