Mold growth in homes is a serious problem costing homeowners
millions of dollars in repairs as well as serious health
issues. There are numerous methods proposed to mitigate
these problems, most of which involve expensive and toxic
cleaning services. The solution, however, is simple and
cheap -- but largely unknown because it requires an
understanding of psychrometrics and how air conditioning systems
As soon as indoor humidity gets a bit too high, mold will start
to grow. As a general rule, you don't want the relative
humidity inside your house to exceed 60% -- at least, not for
very long.
Prior to the energy crisis of the 1970's, the
standard air conditioner would do a pretty good job of keeping
indoor humidity within acceptable limits. It helps to
understand how an air conditioner accomplishes that feat,
though. Inside the "air handler" -- the box inside the
house that has a blower that moves air into the living space --
there is a "coil" (engineer-speak for an item that looks kinda
like a car radiator) that is cooled by the refrigerant flowing
through the tubes inside it. Under arid conditions, the
air blowing over this coil is simply cooled, and you can measure
how much it's cooled by the change in temperature between inlet
and outlet. Under humid conditions, though, this coil
starts getting condensation on it the same way you get
condensation on a glass of iced tea. The cold temperature
causes the moisture in the air to settle on the surface.
When enough of this moisture condenses to get the entire coil
wet, it starts running off in streams. The coil has a
condensate pan or trough that catches all this water and drains
it somewhere outside
your living space. Hence, the air conditioner is not only
cooling your living space, it is drying it as well.
Things started to go wrong when the energy crisis hit in 1973
and President Carter and everyone else began to be concerned
about how much energy we consume. The state of Florida
passed legislation requiring that air-conditioning units meet
minimum standards for EER, or Energy Efficiency Ratio, the
amount of cooling per the amount of electricity used. The
problem was that the EER was never intended to be used as a
legal requirement, only as a guideline. It's too easy to
"cheat" to attain high EER numbers. One very popular
method of increasing EER numbers was to increase the airflow
through the air handler. By flowing more air, the system
can provide the same total amount of cooling without getting the
air as cold -- and getting it cold requires more energy than
just getting it cool. The problem, of course, is that when
you don't get the air cold, you don't get as much moisture out
of it via condensation -- and the interior spaces start to get
humid. And mold starts to thrive. That's why mold
problems began to appear after the energy crisis; it's about the
air conditioning systems themselves. It has nothing to do
with the fact that houses are sealed better, which seems to be a
popular myth; in fact, houses being sealed better actually helps
prevent mold.
Here in northern Florida, the situation is especially bad in
spring and fall. During the winter, it's cool enough to
have the heat on at least during nighttime hours, and heated air
is dry. During the summer, it's so hot that the A/C runs
many hours of the day, and when running that hard it'll usually
do a decent job keeping the humidity in check. But the
spring and fall are known for moderate temperatures combined
with high humidity. If the A/C runs at all, it only runs
long enough to get the temperature down a couple of degrees and
then shuts off. It doesn't run long enough to get the
humidity under control, and mold starts to take over -- and it
may be a couple of months before anything puts a halt to its
The moderate spring and fall temperatures also result in the A/C
running only in short bursts. This also inhibits the
system's capability to remove moisture from the living
space. When the A/C starts up, it starts cooling the air
immediately -- but it takes a while for enough condensation to
accumulate to start running off the coil and out the
drain. If it shuts off quickly, very little water goes out
the drain, and the condensation that remains on the coil just
sits there until it gradually evaporates -- back into the living space!
The energy expended to condense that moisture is utterly wasted,
and the mold is happy about it.
Virtually all air conditioners and air handlers have blower
motors with multiple speeds, typically at least three and
sometimes more. And virtually all "central" air
conditioning systems have those blower motors hard-wired to run
on the highest speed whenever the unit is running. This
results in the maximum cooling capacity, which means it does the
best job of getting the living space cool in a hurry when you
come home on a hot summer day and turn it on.
That's not the problem in the spring and fall, though.
What you'd like to do is run that blower on a lower speed during
moderate weather. By slowing the blower down, you move
less air over the coil -- which means the coil gets that air
colder. That, in turn, increases the amount of
condensation generated and drained, leaving the living space
drier. And because the system won't cool the living space
as quickly, it runs longer each cycle, which again helps it
remove condensation more effectively.
As a fringe benefit, the blower running on a slower speed is
If the same blower is used for heating during the winter, by all
means leave the blower in the slower speed through the
winter! This will result in less airflow for a less
"drafty" feel, and it also results in the air coming through the
vents being warmer -- the same amount of heat applied to a
smaller amount of air.
In fact, you might find that you can leave the blower in this
slower mode year-round. The only question is whether or
not the system will have enough capacity to keep the space cool
during the hottest days of the year. Those peak days are
surprisingly rare and often only last a couple of hours per
day. Once you set the blower to a lower speed, you might
never find the need to bump it back up.
Even if it doesn't succeed in holding the desired temperature on
those hottest days, it'll probably only miss by a couple of
degrees, and the indoor air will be dry enough you'll feel
comfortable anyway. If your primary concern is mold rather
than strictly holding room temperature on the hottest days, you
definitely don't need to bump it back up.
If the air conditioner is a bit oversized for the job, you
definitely won't want to bump it back up; just leave it on the
lower speed permanently.
Regarding energy consumption: There's a bit of a mixed
blessing here. First off, running the blower on a lower
speed will save a lot
of energy running that blower. Cutting it in half is
entirely plausible. The system also runs more efficiently
when it runs longer cycles than when cycling on and off all the
time. However, it'll also run longer, as will the
compressor and outdoor fan, and these are the lion's share of
the energy use of an air conditioning system. The fact is
you'll be removing more moisture from the air, and it takes
energy to remove moisture from air, so you're going to be using
more energy there. Between the increased dehumidification
and the reduced blower power consumption, the difference in your
electric bill may not be noticeable one way or the other.
The next time you have to throw away a belt or a pair of shoes
because they got moldy, you'll decide it'd be worth it.
The next time you have to call a contractor to come tear out
some walls due to mold damage, you'll really decide it's worth it! Don't even
get me started on your children coughing and wheezing with all
that mold in the house.
There's also a comfort factor. Getting the humidity out of
the air makes it more comfortable inside the house. It
doesn't feel so "clammy". As a result, you may find
yourself setting the thermostat a degree or two higher than you
did before, saving some energy there. You also may have
less need to run ceiling fans or other fans to stay
comfortable. And if your clothes dryer is inside the
house, it will dry your clothes in less time, saving some energy
Some modern air conditioning systems have elaborate blower
controls that gradually speed up the blower upon startup and
gradually wind it back down when it shuts off. I am not
familiar enough with how these systems work to speak on how to
adjust the running speed -- but I'll bet it's possible. It
might be worth a look through the specifications and schematics.
With the older style units that simply cycle on and off in
response to a thermostat on the wall, the implementation is
relatively simple -- but if you're not savvy enough to do such
things yourself, you'll probably need to find someone who
is. The open-your-checkbook method: Call up an air
conditioning repair service and tell them "Please adjust the
blower in my air conditioning system to operate at the next
slower speed." It won't take them long, but they'll have
to charge you for making the trip out.
To do this yourself, the first thing you'll need is the
schematics of your air handler. That's not as challenging
as you might think; a set of schematics is usually hidden inside
the unit itself. You'll have to remove some screws and
take a panel off, and it needs to be the panel that leads to the
electrical connections. Obviously, turn off the power at
the breaker before opening any panels.
Study the schematics and locate the blower motor on them.
You'll see the wires from the motor, typically clearly labelled
H, M, and L or something similar. You also need to find
the actual wires themselves, which should be right where you're
looking behind that panel. You'll find the M and L wires
taped off and not connected to anything, while the H wire is
plugged into something. So, for the simplest fix, just
unplug the H wire, wrap it up with tape, and unwrap the M wire
and plug that one in instead. Put the cover back on the
unit and go, you're done.
I don't recommend going all the way to L speed. For one
thing, it's usually not necessary. For another, you can
actually cause problems with an air conditioner using too slow a
blower speed. If you happen to have the airflow
specifications on your system, here are some guidelines:
The typical air handler is designed to move 400 CFM (cubic feet
per minute) of air for every ton (12,000 BtuH) of cooling
capacity. Some of the energy-saver models flow more air
than that. To inhibit mold growth, you want to flow less
air than that. Under no circumstances should you ever set
the system to flow less than 250 CFM per ton; this is the
minimum airflow typically recommended by the manufacturer.
But 250 CFM is a lot lower than 400 CFM. By dropping to
the next lower speed than H, you'll never risk a problem.
Now, swapping those wires around was easy, but you probably
don't really want to have to do that twice a year -- down to M
in fall, back up to H the following summer. So, with a bit
more effort, you can install a SPDT switch somewhere -- perhaps
right on the side of the air handler, or anyplace inside the
closet with the air handler, or perhaps on the wall next to the
thermostat, wherever is convenient for you. Just run leads
from the H and M wires from the blower to the contacts on the
switch and a common wire back to the air handler. You can
then go from H speed to M speed and back with the flip of a
switch. Label the switch something like "Summer Only" and
"Fall, Winter and Spring". Now you have a switch that you
flip twice a year. Or, you can label it as "Hot Weather
Only" and switch it to H only
on scorching days. And yes, it should be OK to flip the
switch while the system is running.
There is such a thing as a "2-Stage Cooling Thermostat".
It's a single thermostat that is designed to control two cooling
systems; it brings on one first, and if that doesn't do the
trick and the temperature rises a couple more degrees, it brings
on the second. Honestly, there are not many applications
that use such thermostats, so finding one won't be easy; you'd
probably have to contact Honeywell or Johnson or some such, and
perhaps order one online somewhere and pay entirely too much
money for it. But once you have one, you can wire it up to
control those fan speeds automatically. When the system
first calls for cooling, it brings on the blower on M
speed. If the temperature continues to rise a couple of
degrees, the thermostat sends another signal that energizes a
SPDT relay (you'll have to buy that, too) that kicks the blower
up to H speed. Now you've got a system you can forget
about, no need to manually flip any switches or fiddle with
wires, ever. It'll run on M speed virtually all the time,
but it'll kick itself up to H speed as needed.
Running the air handler on a lower speed is so effective that it
would end all concerns about household mold. Period.
So why isn't it commonly done? Frankly, I have no
idea. One wouldn't expect legislators to understand such
technical issues, so they couldn't be expected to pass
legislation to require it even though they arguably should require it in humid
climates to prevent mold issues becoming a health concern.
HVAC engineers (such as myself) and air conditioner
manufacturers understand psychrometrics well enough to
understand this proposal, but evidently it hasn't even occurred
to many of them. In a better world, all thermostats would
automatically run air handler blowers at reduced speeds except
during peak loads.
The technical term for the temperature an air-conditioning
system's coil operates at, and hence how much moisture it
removes from the air, is the "Apparatus Dew Point", or
ADP. This term is not commonly used even by HVAC
engineers, even though they readily understand the concept.
Furthermore, the ADP needed to avoid mold problems is
53°F. Exactly. You simply wouldn't believe how
precise this requirement is. 54°F is flirting with
trouble. By the time the ADP reaches 56°F, you've got
a serious mold problem on your hands.
It should be noted that ADP is not the same thing as the
temperature of the air coming out of the vents, although it is
closely related. When the air flows through the coil, some
percentage -- typically about 5% -- manages to slip through
without touching the coil and hence doesn't get cooled or lose
its moisture. So, you mathematically combine 95% of the
air being cooled to the ADP with 5% of the air still as warm and
moist as the incoming air and you'll get approximately the
temperature of the air coming through the vents. For a
system operating at an ADP of 53°F, the temperature of the
air coming through the vents will be about 55°F, maybe
56°F. This provides a handy way to check to see if
your system is sufficiently dehumidifying your space: With
the system running normally, measure the temperature of the air
coming out of the vents. If it's any higher than 56°F,
you need to slow down the blower speed. If it's colder
than 54°F or so, you could actually get away with increasing
the blower speed -- unless you like it really dry indoors for
some reason.
The ADP term could be used to apply legislation to the mold
issue. For example, the Florida law mandating energy
efficiency could easily be modified to require a minimum EER at an ADP of 53°F.
This would eliminate the option of simply moving more air to
attain that desired EER. As things stand, periodically the
legislature simply increases the minimum EER requirements in the
name of energy conservation, but they'd be better advised to
leave those EER requirements unchanged while adding the ADP
requirement of 53°F -- which would be a more serious
challenge to the equipment manufacturers, requiring real
efficiency improvements rather than just fiddling with the
It should go without saying that all of the above presumes the
air conditioning system is functioning normally. Most
notably, the condensate pan must be collecting the condensate
and draining it outdoors. If the drain is plugged up, the
condensate just collects in the pan, and either evaporates back
into the indoor space or -- much worse -- overflows onto the
floor and soaks into the carpet and trim, causing immediate mold
problems. For most residential applications, the
condensate drain is simply routed to a little pipe coming out of
a wall outside the house somewhere. When running, there
should be cold water dripping from this pipe. If there is
not -- and you don't live in Arizona -- you need to be figuring
out what's up.