Proposed Constitutional Amendment:

Any goods or services provided by the government shall be made available to all citizens at the same terms.

You must think about this proposal for a while, but I think it will grow on you.  The idea is to eliminate all the bureaucracies dedicated to deciding who gets what the government is offering -- and the scandals that inevitably result.  It doesn't matter what it is: welfare, food stamps, cheese, driver's licenses, building permits, you name it.  If the government is giving it away for free, then Bill Gates should be eligible to walk in and pick up his share.  If the government is selling it, the price should be the same for everybody regardless of race, creed, social status, or financial situation.

This would have the effect of making liberal giveaway programs look very expensive.  This is as it should be; liberal giveaway programs are very expensive.  But the tack of telling the voters that it'll be cheap because we're limiting the program to only the most needy individuals will no longer work.  And the game of individuals making themselves appear needy in order to get the goods while a bureaucracy spends half the funding trying to ferret out such deadbeats will go away.  Honest taxpaying citizens will actually be more likely to support worthwhile programs, because A) they themselves can reap the benefits rather than it all going to undeserving strangers; and B) because a high percentage of the funding will actually go for these benefits rather than for a bureaucracy to decide who deserves them.

No, everybody doesn't automatically get the same retirement benefits that government employees get.  The terms for those is that you must work for the government; you can't get the same benefits without providing the same career service.  It might be interpreted that anyone that works for the government gets the same retirement benefits, though, which would put an end to the practice of Senators and Representatives having their own retirement program separate and vastly superior to the programs offered to other government employees.

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Of course, if you have questions or comments, you are welcome to send e-mail to me at "palmk at nettally dot com".